More Details
We have so far, produced three books, covering various aspects of Barford’s History. Funds from their sale go to support our research, to publishing more books and booklets and to support the website. We are donating profits from Barford Be Prepared to the campaign to provide a new scout and guide hut in the village.
They contain a lot more detail than is available at present on the website. To order, email [email protected] and we will send you details of how to pay.
Or if you live close by, our publications are available from our excellent Community Shop (Barford Village Shop, Church Street, Barford, CV35 8EN)
Sorry, we are an amateur organisation, so we can’t take payments directly through the website.
Becoming Barford published 2010
100 pp. Large paperback format (24 x17 cm).
A history of Barford from prehistoric times to the present day.
Fully illustrated with many colour images.
Price £12 to include post and packing
Barford Remembers published 2015
A history of Barford through the two world wars (1914-1918 and 1939-1945)
176 pp Large paperback format (24 x 17 cm)
Price £12 to include post and packing
Barford “Be Prepared”
A Journey for Scouts and Guides
A history of the Scouts and Guides of Barford.
80 pp 21cm x 15cm Fully illustrated with many colour photos
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