The census and map will be going up shortly. There is a prototype version of the Bridge Street census, let us know what you think.
As part of our Great War research, we thought it would be interesting to use the 1911 Census to identify where the soldiers lived. This proved a lot more challenging than you might think as since 1911, houses have been built and knocked down, Street names have changed and houses have been renumbered.
Census takers were supposed to record their route, but Barford’s 1911 Census was carried out by a redoubtable lady named Eleanor Archer, of whom there is much more to be said, and she did not record her route as thoroughly as she might have.
We got a copy of the 1905 Ordnance survey map and have used it to map present houses as best we can.
We have also completely transcribed the 1911 census.
All this information will be appearing over the next few months, it takes a while to get it into a readable format.
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